The Personal Miniature Laundry Basket is a small replica of the Peterboro Wildflower Laundry Basket. It doesn’t hold as much as the original, but with its tiny genuine leather handles, it is twice as cute. It may be enough for a load of doll clothes, but it is also useful as a tabletop basket for small items, such as tea bags, sugar packets or paper clips. Perfect for bedside or dresser to store your jewelry items, this basket also makes a decorative holiday basket for small candies.
This basket is available in Honey, Cherry, Driftwood Gray, and Sage Green finishes, as well as in Natural White. It comes with a Peterboro Basket miniature brass medallion and limited lifetime warranty. (As a complimentary gift, this basket will be delivered in the stain matching your purchase, unless noted otherwise at checkout.) The basket measures approx.: 3¾"W x 3½"D x 3"H
Peterboro Basket Company is the only manufacturer of this “one-of-a-kind” basket design. The basket is handcrafted in the USA from hardwood Appalachian Ash and 100% American-made materials. All of the hardware has been brass coated to help prevent rusting.